The Best Digital Marketing Company in Delhi (India)

With how easily accessible the internet is today, would you believe me if I tell you the number of people who go online every day is increasing at a rapid rate? Marketing has always been the word about how businesses connect with their clients at the right time and place. In lay man terms, Digital Marketing is all about marketing on the web. From the website itself to a business's online branding assets – SEO, Email marketing, online brochures, and beyond -- there's a spectrum of services to be explored under this bracket.

Search Engine ptimization (SEO)

These services are on the go today. They help in optimizing your web page elements, content on the website and reference to your business on the Internet. Dazzlenut will help your website to appear higher in rankings on search engines with effective On Page and Off Page techniques specifically targeted to reach your targeted customer

Benefits of our SEO services

  • Custom Designed Professional SEO Services
  • Tracks & Monitors the Results
  • Design & Implement Practical SEO Strategies
  • Reliable Resource for SEO
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Pay Per Click advertising

With the number of online users & hours spent on the internet increasing everyday, PPC advertising has given brands the edge to reach out to ready customers, sitting just a click away. Appear relevant and qualified as per user searches and boost online sales today. In Google Adwords, out of the 5 billion searches done in 2013, 30% of these clicks were on ads related to each search. We are expert to generate the leads for you.

  • Product research & keyword research
  • Create campaign for similar keywords & adequate match types
  • Create relevant ad copies & create bid strategy
  • Create effective landing pages with wonderful Call to Actions
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Social Media Marketing

Social Media has become the buzz word of today. It is easily accessible at a click. Marketing on social media is about how you promote your brand and take it far ahead than your competitors. Dazzlenut’s social media marketing service is based on a competitive content strategy which will help you in bringing the maximum engagement with your brand. Creating your sole presence on popular social media platforms, identifying themes for your brand’s content, innovative execution, regular posting, and being responsible to respond well to the engagements.

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Email Marketing

An efficient way to stay connected with your clients while also promoting your business. With email marketing, you can easily and quickly reach out to target markets without the need for large quantities of print space, television or radio time or high production costs. Email marketing enhances your relationship with a current or previous customer. This also encourages customer loyalty, repeat business and fortifies the process of acquiring new customers. Email marketing is at the helm of DazzleNut’s marketing skills.

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Content Marketing

Content Marketing involves creating high quality content with an aim to draw the attention of prospective buyers. At DazzleNut, we manage strategy, production and distribution of high-quality content for lead generation, product sales, engaging new clients and convert them into repeat buyers. Marketing is the best way to show your audience that you care for them. A content writer who works with us knows this and creates the content accordingly

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Email Marketing

We, at Dazzlenut, with our newly added service will help you to market your business by creating efficient trailers and video clips by using human resources and all the latest tools and technologies.

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